Monday, May 3, 2010

Eating Healthy Guide

My parents always told me about when they grew up, you know those "well when I was your age" stories that seem to always be blown out of proportion. These stories always seem to be trying to make us look bad, you know like "when I was your age I didn't get new clothes, I had to wear hand me downs."

I recently heard the best when i was your age story. I was at a fast food join with my mom and we got our meal which included 2 sodas and 2 french fries and our so called main course. Well at this point my mom proceeded to tell me "when I was your age our large sodas were the size of your smalls, and the same with our fries" I wasn't very surprised at all but it made me think, and I'm quite disgusted with the current state of our country.

But I have found a solution to this problem, EAT HEALTHY! All you need to do is implement a few changes and you can be living a much happier, much healthier life style. If we all start to slowly implement a healthy eating strategy we can change it back to the way it used to be, back to the good old days.

Now I know what you are thinking. How the heck do I eat healthy, I don't know the first place to start. Well a great place to start is with water!

Yup water, just drink water instead of soda or juices, and drink lots of it. Also you should break up your meals into 6 smaller meals throughout the days so that you never feel hungry.

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