Friday, May 7, 2010

10 Foolproof Tips For Living Healthy

Things are not brought into being by thinking their opposites. Health is never to be attained by studying Healthy living guide outlines ten undeniably easy tips how to take your health to the next level by simply applying them to your daily routine. Living a healthy life is not half as difficult as many may think it is. The time you take to address matters of your health determines how much you value that all important aspect of life. Start now to turbo charges your health with the following tips:

1 Take a nap. A five minute nap can work wonders, as you rejuvenate and recharge those tired nerves. Short naps are beneficial because they give us just enough rest for us to still function at our best and get us through the rest of the day

2 Don't work in bed. Your bed is for two purposes only, sex and sleep. In your bed, your mental emotions should be at work for an enjoyable loving encounter with your spouse and/or anticipating a good night sleep.

3 Get a full night's rest whenever possible. Lack of adequate rest has been shown to have links with the onset of major lifestyle diseases. Without adequate sleep, the immune system becomes weak, and the body becomes more vulnerable to infection and disease. To ensure quality sleep, your room environment should be quiet and dark for best resting experience.

4 Create a bedtime routine. To overcome circadian rhythm sleep disorders, have a regular time for bed. People with circadian rhythm sleep disorders are unable to sleep and wake at the times required for normal work, school, and social needs.

5 Avoid caffeine, eating and drinking right before bed. You may just find yourself lying on your back counting the imaginary stars. What you eat and drink during the day can affect your sleep at night. Too much stimulants, smoking, and alcohol before bed all contribute to insomnia. Ironically, some prescription medications that you are taking to sleep can interfere with sleep. if not managed carefully or stopped abruptly, they can cause rebound insomnia.

6 Wash your hands. A simple "healthy living guide" is to make it a habit to wash your hands regularly especially before meals. This is the easiest way to prevent infections. Hand washing requires only soap and water or an alcohol-based hand sanitizer - a cleanser that doesn't require water. Frequent hand washing is one of the best ways to avoid getting sick and spreading illness and contagious diseases.

7 Put limits on work hours. Don't be a workaholic; it is very addictive and intoxicating. And that will lead to health problems and shortened lifespan. The best way to manage your working hours is to plan ahead your schedule, and prioritize your day's activities. Have a breathing space for unexpected disturbances, and stop working when the time is up!! That is why you have tomorrow.

8 Spend time with friends. If you want a healthy living guide to make you healthy and happy then, spend more time with friends and relatives. We are natural social beings, and too long in solitude as studies revealed, can contribute to health deterioration and shortened lifespan.

9 Learn time management skills. It is really self management. Managing time is managing self. Time management is a crucial component for anyone who desires to truly get the most out of life. For example, greater productivity, confidence, the ability to meet goals, the opportunity to have fun and gain control over your life. If you fail to properly manage your time, you will often end up with a list of things left undone. You will also end up being stressed out, edgy and simply not living up to your real potential.

10 Expect things to change. The more things change, the more they remain the same. Be prepared for inevitable changes, so when they come you will not be taken by surprise neither will you be overwhelmed by them.

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