Saturday, April 10, 2010

The Role Of Minerals

Compared to vitamins, minerals do not attract much attention though they play a vital role in our body's metabolism. Let us study some of them here. Phosphorus is an important mineral whose characteristics are that it acts in conjunction with calcium to build bones and teeth. Foods rich in phosphorus are pulses,cereals,milk,egg and fruit juices. Phosphorus is essential for smooth muscular activity. It acts to stimulate brain and nerve cells.

Sodium is a constituent of saliva,gastric juices and intestinal fluids and helps in the digestive process. Sodium has the tendency to increase blood pressure and so useful in treating low blood pressure but harmful to high blood pressure patients. Foods rich in sodium are milk,yogurt,cheese,whole grains and spinach. Sodium deficiency may impair hearing. Excess sodium consumption may lead to high blood pressure and may cause body water retention hence moderation is the key.

Foods rich in chlorine are egg yolk,coconut,milk products,green leafy vegetables,radish,lentils and rice. Chlorine is vital to the digestive process since it is a constituent of hydrochloric acid in the stomach that digests the food. Chlorine helps in body fluid balance.

Zinc is an essential mineral helps in male virility. It is vital for healthy hair and skin. It plays a role in healing wounds. It is essential for body growth as it is part of enzymes that control major metabolic activities. Foods rich in zinc are whole grains,milk,meat,eggs,sea food,liver,cereals and nuts.

Magnesium deficiency symptoms are appetite loss and vomiting. Magnesium is vital for transmission of nerve impulses. Foods rich in magnesium are green leafy vegetables,whole grains and nuts.

Potassium helps water retention in cells. It ensures proper working of all muscles including heart. Both low and excess amounts of potassium is harmful affecting cardiovascular functions and may prove fatal hence supplements should not be taken without doctor's advice. It helps in transmission of nerve impulses.

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