Saturday, April 10, 2010

Health Fitness Care Fundas for Healthy Lifestyle

First aid for superficial heat burns :-

Hold under cold running water for at least 10 minutes or immerse in cold water. Never apply cotton wool, dressings, ointments, fats or lotions or attempt to rupture blisters or remove anything from wound. If burns are not small or superficial, call a doctor.

First aid for chemical burns :-

Hold under cold running water for at least 10 minutes so that contaminated water drains away freely. Remove all clothing soiled by the chemical and protect your hands from contact with it.

Fish is good for your baby :-

Introduce your baby between the first and second year to a variety of fresh fish but check that they are easily chewable and low in fat and sodium. Check very very carefully for bones.

Reducing salt in high blood pressure :-

Add very little salt during food preparation. Do not add salt to food on the table. Read labels carefully and choose food having less salt and sodium content. Avoid pickles, ketchups, chutneys, fast-food and restaurant food.

Baby's first shoes :-

Your baby's first shoes should be lightweight, made of leather or cloth (breathable material), definitely not plastic with soles so flexible that you can feel the baby's toes through them. Hard soles are out.

If you are sick and have diabetes :-

Check your blood sugar more often, keep taking your medication, drink plenty of liquids and always mention all the medicines you are taking to your doctor, as some can affect your blood glucose.

Prevent dehydration in your child :-

If your child has diarrhoea and vomiting, you can prevent dehydration by giving small sips of cold sugar and salt solution available in ORS (Oral rehydration solution) packets at any medical store.

If your baby is having antibiotics :-

If your baby is having antibiotics for any reason and develops loose motions within the first few days it is most likely a reaction to the antibiotic known as a 'drug - diarrhoea'. Stop the antibiotic immediately and inform your doctor. While you are waiting give your baby 'oral re hydration solution' which is easily available with any good chemist. You should always keep a few packets at home.

Foods that can trigger Migraine :-

Avoid chocolate, cheese, citrus fruits, fried foods, onions, tomatoes, spinach, beans, nuts, alcohol (particularly red wine), beverages with aspartame and foods containing monosodium glutamate (MSG).

If you are acne-prone :-

Avoid oil-based make-up, hair gels and sprays, stress, squeezing or picking at the pimples and hard scrubbing of skin.

Reduce dust and dust mites - common causes of allergies :-

Avoid soft toys, drapes, feather pillows and carpets. Vacuum regularly and use a damp cloth for mopping and dusting.

Proper length for baby's shoes :-

For your baby's first shoes press down on the toe of each shoe with your thumb. If there is a full thumb's width between your baby's longest toe and the end of the shoe then it is the right one. The shoes should be soft and made of leather or cloth not plastic.

Your mole looks suspicious :-

If it has an irregular shape and border, is increasing in size and changing color. An excision biopsy is strongly recommended to rule out cancer.

How to avoid snoring? :-

Sleep on your side, keeping your neck straight. Avoid alcohol and smoking 2-3 hours before bedtime. And lose excess weight.

A must for mother :-

Help bonding with your baby as early as the second month by using touch, sound, smell and sight-lots of colorful musical objects as stimulants.

Be cautious with children :-

If you have children in the house keep all poisons out of their reach - lock away pesticides, floor cleaners, kerosene, detergents, insecticides and medicines.

If your baby has dandruff :-

If your baby has dandruff particularly when it is caked on the scalp (cradle cap) - wash hair, brush and comb daily with shampoo and medicated lotion until it disappears. A medicated cream with Cetrimide also helps.

Reduce harmful fat in your diet :-

Reduce harmful fat in your diet by avoiding processed meats such as sausages and salami, chicken skin, fried fish and meat.

Rice based cereals better for babies :-

The first cereal your baby should have by 5-6 months is a rice-and not wheat based one. This is digested more easily and less likely to cause allergies.

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