Sunday, April 11, 2010

Female Infertility And Female Infertility Treatment

The cause of infertility has torn at the heart strings of many couples and Alan and Brittany are about to embark on an emotional rollercoaster ride that has been endured by so many couple go-getting for their first child. Alan and Brittany are friends of mine, who five years after decide to try for their first baby are still childless. I wanted to talk about their situation because it's a familiar scenario; one in which is hard to comprehend unless you've been there.

The female reproductive system is a very delicate organization that is easily affected by even the slightest change in your body. Because of this, it can be hazardous to alter the system too much. Menstrual suppression, for case, can potentially lead to infertility. Maintain your health can also help you keep away from some infertility risks, like lacteal phase defect.

Vaginal Tightening Cream To Feel Young Again

Vaginal tightening cream is a product successfully used by many women to restore their vagina to its original state. The vagina is the most delicate part of a womans body and is highly flexible. With age and child birth, it is loosened and the original firmness is lost. Women tend to feel older and a loss of sexual pleasure due to loosening of vagina and they are also not able to satisfy their partners completely.

Fortunately, there is a solution to this problem that can make you feel young again. There are safe and natural methods available to restore the original size and firmness of the vagina. A natural vaginal tightening cream is the best way to take care of your vagina. There are herbal creams available that constitute of natural herb extracts that do not affect the body in any negative way. Artificial products might come with some side effects that might harm your body in the long run but with herbal solutions, you can be assured of safety.

There are some good toning solutions for vagina care that come in the form of creams and serums. These are applied directly on the inside of the vagina, generally before the lovemaking act or at night before going to sleep. They not only make the vagina suppler but also lubricate its inner walls for a more pleasurable lovemaking experience.

A good vaginal tightening cream is generally made up of tropical herbs and is safe to apply internally into the vagina. If you use a good quality and natural cream for your vagina, it would also help in reducing the vaginal discharge odor. You can feel fresh all day by using a cream that makes your vagina firm and leaves you with a soothing fragrance.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

The Role Of Minerals

Compared to vitamins, minerals do not attract much attention though they play a vital role in our body's metabolism. Let us study some of them here. Phosphorus is an important mineral whose characteristics are that it acts in conjunction with calcium to build bones and teeth. Foods rich in phosphorus are pulses,cereals,milk,egg and fruit juices. Phosphorus is essential for smooth muscular activity. It acts to stimulate brain and nerve cells.

Sodium is a constituent of saliva,gastric juices and intestinal fluids and helps in the digestive process. Sodium has the tendency to increase blood pressure and so useful in treating low blood pressure but harmful to high blood pressure patients. Foods rich in sodium are milk,yogurt,cheese,whole grains and spinach. Sodium deficiency may impair hearing. Excess sodium consumption may lead to high blood pressure and may cause body water retention hence moderation is the key.

Foods rich in chlorine are egg yolk,coconut,milk products,green leafy vegetables,radish,lentils and rice. Chlorine is vital to the digestive process since it is a constituent of hydrochloric acid in the stomach that digests the food. Chlorine helps in body fluid balance.

Zinc is an essential mineral helps in male virility. It is vital for healthy hair and skin. It plays a role in healing wounds. It is essential for body growth as it is part of enzymes that control major metabolic activities. Foods rich in zinc are whole grains,milk,meat,eggs,sea food,liver,cereals and nuts.

Magnesium deficiency symptoms are appetite loss and vomiting. Magnesium is vital for transmission of nerve impulses. Foods rich in magnesium are green leafy vegetables,whole grains and nuts.

Potassium helps water retention in cells. It ensures proper working of all muscles including heart. Both low and excess amounts of potassium is harmful affecting cardiovascular functions and may prove fatal hence supplements should not be taken without doctor's advice. It helps in transmission of nerve impulses.

The Health Benefits Of Green Tea

Green Tea

The Green Tea (Camellia Sinensis scientific name) is a Chinese variety of Long Jing, rich in health benefits, such as polyphenols and catechins, which are substances that help with a draining effect and antioxidant.

Green tea began to be used 3,000 years ago in China for its remarkable health benefits. Since ancient Chinese knew that green tea had the power to cure a headache, and helps eliminate toxins and preserve youth. But for years no other culture had given importance to this brew, and it is only a couple of years in numerous scientific studies have shown its many benefits. Today the plant of green tea is grown in all countries with tropical climates and is known worldwide.

The catechins found in Green Tea help to improve some diseases and other disorders of the body. In studies conducted in laboratory mice has been shown that high concentrations of these substances help to lower cholesterol levels in blood and kept within the parameters considered normal.

In Japan, where green tea is consumed in many times of the day, far fewer cases of cancer for both men and for women, relative to other populations that do not consume green tea instead. Only 254 mg of catechins per day are enough to obtain beneficial effects. We consider that a cup of green tea makes 100 to 150 mg of catechins, then with 2 cups of green tea a day will ensure the proper intake of this substance.

In 1998, Chinese scientists had compiled a compendium on all the benefits already designed and tested at The Green.

One scientific study showed that daily consumption of green tea during a period of 6 months decreased cancerous lesions of the oral mucosa. While the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition published a study that showed the relationship between consumption of green tea and weight loss, rendering aid to the problem of obesity, thanks to the 'draining and accelerating the metabolism of this drink.

Holland instead showed that women who drank 5 cups of green tea per day are less likely to be affected by atherosclerosis.

In 'April 1999, in' Reserve University in Cleveland, USA, has also demonstrated that subjects who consumed at least 4 cups of green tea prevented the 'rematoide arthritis and decreased symptoms of those who were already infected.

Other proven benefits are:

* Control of Diabetes

* Decreased blood glucose levels in blood

* Previenzione and elimination of dental plaque

* Decrease in dental caries

* Improving halitosis

* Prevention and improvement of diarrhea

* Decreased dela blood pressure, because it avoids the release of angiotensin II

* Increased power in sports

* Improved breathing, as it acts as a broncodilatadore

* Increased risk of blood clot formation (thrombosis)

* Reduced levels of cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood, increasing levels of HDL cholesterol (good cholesterol).

Another excellent benefit shown on Japanese women is that catechins inactivate influenza virus, and at the same time strengthen our immune system.

One of the most recent and most important about the Green Tea was made by a group of scientists 'Institute Aichi, Japan, which showed that The catechins seem to block the action of the Virus' AIDS.

The best way to get the larger amount of catechins in green tea and a cup of the infusion, by rest for 5 minutes before drinking. Decaffeinated green tea, the one sold in bags for infusion, a low concentration of catechins.

The polyphenols in Green Tea are powerful antioxidants, even more potent vitamin C and E, then the anti-cancer, anti-aging and probiotic action.

Health Fitness Care Fundas for Healthy Lifestyle

First aid for superficial heat burns :-

Hold under cold running water for at least 10 minutes or immerse in cold water. Never apply cotton wool, dressings, ointments, fats or lotions or attempt to rupture blisters or remove anything from wound. If burns are not small or superficial, call a doctor.

First aid for chemical burns :-

Hold under cold running water for at least 10 minutes so that contaminated water drains away freely. Remove all clothing soiled by the chemical and protect your hands from contact with it.

Fish is good for your baby :-

Introduce your baby between the first and second year to a variety of fresh fish but check that they are easily chewable and low in fat and sodium. Check very very carefully for bones.

Reducing salt in high blood pressure :-

Add very little salt during food preparation. Do not add salt to food on the table. Read labels carefully and choose food having less salt and sodium content. Avoid pickles, ketchups, chutneys, fast-food and restaurant food.

Baby's first shoes :-

Your baby's first shoes should be lightweight, made of leather or cloth (breathable material), definitely not plastic with soles so flexible that you can feel the baby's toes through them. Hard soles are out.

If you are sick and have diabetes :-

Check your blood sugar more often, keep taking your medication, drink plenty of liquids and always mention all the medicines you are taking to your doctor, as some can affect your blood glucose.

Prevent dehydration in your child :-

If your child has diarrhoea and vomiting, you can prevent dehydration by giving small sips of cold sugar and salt solution available in ORS (Oral rehydration solution) packets at any medical store.

If your baby is having antibiotics :-

If your baby is having antibiotics for any reason and develops loose motions within the first few days it is most likely a reaction to the antibiotic known as a 'drug - diarrhoea'. Stop the antibiotic immediately and inform your doctor. While you are waiting give your baby 'oral re hydration solution' which is easily available with any good chemist. You should always keep a few packets at home.

Foods that can trigger Migraine :-

Avoid chocolate, cheese, citrus fruits, fried foods, onions, tomatoes, spinach, beans, nuts, alcohol (particularly red wine), beverages with aspartame and foods containing monosodium glutamate (MSG).

If you are acne-prone :-

Avoid oil-based make-up, hair gels and sprays, stress, squeezing or picking at the pimples and hard scrubbing of skin.

Reduce dust and dust mites - common causes of allergies :-

Avoid soft toys, drapes, feather pillows and carpets. Vacuum regularly and use a damp cloth for mopping and dusting.

Proper length for baby's shoes :-

For your baby's first shoes press down on the toe of each shoe with your thumb. If there is a full thumb's width between your baby's longest toe and the end of the shoe then it is the right one. The shoes should be soft and made of leather or cloth not plastic.

Your mole looks suspicious :-

If it has an irregular shape and border, is increasing in size and changing color. An excision biopsy is strongly recommended to rule out cancer.

How to avoid snoring? :-

Sleep on your side, keeping your neck straight. Avoid alcohol and smoking 2-3 hours before bedtime. And lose excess weight.

A must for mother :-

Help bonding with your baby as early as the second month by using touch, sound, smell and sight-lots of colorful musical objects as stimulants.

Be cautious with children :-

If you have children in the house keep all poisons out of their reach - lock away pesticides, floor cleaners, kerosene, detergents, insecticides and medicines.

If your baby has dandruff :-

If your baby has dandruff particularly when it is caked on the scalp (cradle cap) - wash hair, brush and comb daily with shampoo and medicated lotion until it disappears. A medicated cream with Cetrimide also helps.

Reduce harmful fat in your diet :-

Reduce harmful fat in your diet by avoiding processed meats such as sausages and salami, chicken skin, fried fish and meat.

Rice based cereals better for babies :-

The first cereal your baby should have by 5-6 months is a rice-and not wheat based one. This is digested more easily and less likely to cause allergies.

Probiotics Side Effects Facts

Sometime due to lack of proper knowledge, lots of unhealthy steps are taken by us and at last will have to suffer because of it.

As we knows about Probiotics Health Benefits, and the best Probiotics should start showing their benefits within a week or two, some minor side effects may be experienced but these quickly disappear in most cases. Especially diarrhea and constipation are often relieved within a day or two of beginning a regimen of supplements.

Probiotic side effects are usually very mild and do not last for an extended period of time.Digestive problems are linked with probiotic use. Gas and bloating occur most frequently since the bacteria growth and activity had dramatically increased. They produce gas as part of their cycle and its presence is one of the probiotic side effects. If the balance is not in harmony yet, the gas can build up. It can expel in the form of flatulence, belches, and burps. If combined with eating a probiotic rich diet, the amount of gas produced can escalate. However, once the balance of bacteria is reached, these probiotic side effects will subside quickly.

Other probiotic side is related to the digestive issues. Excessive drainage syndrome occurs if too much Probiotics are introduced too quickly. This can cause the immune and digestive systems to kick into overdrive. The effects of Probiotics are headaches, constipation, bloating and diarrhea. The condition can be alleviated by reducing the amount of Probiotics being consumed. After a time, the amount can then be gradually increased. This allows time for the body to learn to deal with the probiotic effects of taking the bacteria.

Probiotic side effects only affect some people. In fact, the majority of people experience no side effects of Probiotics what so ever. Probiotics are introducing a bacterium into the body that the body already knows. So the chances of a healthy immune system having issues are very slight. In fact, the bacteria will likely have more positive effects that negative. As the cultures grow and multiply, immune, digestive and vaginal health should improve. If you have recently undergone antibiotic therapy, the probiotics will definitely help. Antibiotics kill all bacteria including the good guys. Probiotics can help restore the balance. If you have any questions about probiotic side effects, consult with your doctor. That professional can help you make an informed choice.

Chest Breathing Exercises Techniques

After completion of daily routine work, may be you have some questions like that, “I am feeling stressed or rushed or restless?

Most of us do at some time or another, but when it becomes a regular event it can start having a detrimental effect on our health. Breathing Exercise is a great antidote to these kinds of feelings, but the problem is that our lives are so busy nowadays it can be difficult to find the time to fit any in.

This types of breathing which is called Costal or Chest Breathing is characterized by an outward, upward movement of the chest wall. In chest breathing the expansion is centered at the midpoint and consequently it aerates the middle part of the lung most.

Since the lower part of the lung is most abundantly perfused with blood, we have that ventilation perfusion mismatch described earlier. Thus during resting periods chest breathing is less efficient.

Chest breathing exercises also requires more work to be done in lifting the rib cage, thus the body has to work harder to accomplish the same blood gas mixing than with diaphragmatic breathing, and the greater the work, the greater the amount of oxygen needed, which results in more frequent breaths.

Chest breathing technique is useful during vigorous exercise but it is quite inappropriate for ordinary, everyday activity. Since it is part and parcel of the fight or flight response it occurs when the individual is aroused by external or internal challenges or danger. As a result, chest breathing is likely to be associated with other symptoms of arousal like tension and anxiety.

Since there is a reciprocal relationship between breathing and the mind, chest breathing, if continued during rest periods, will lead to tension and anxiety, thus creating a vicious circle.