Wednesday, June 2, 2010

NUTRITION CENTER - Healthy Diet Goals

Heart disease is the No. 1 killer of Americans. We can reduce heart disease by promoting a healthy diet and lifestyle. Getting information from credible sources can help you make smart choices that will benefit your long-term heart health.

For the first time, the American Heart Association has defined what it means to have ideal cardiovascular health, identifying seven health and behavior factors that impact health and quality of life. We know that even simple, small changes can make a big difference in living a better life. Known as “Life’s Simple 7,” these steps can help add years to your life:

  1. don’t smoke;
  2. maintain a healthy weight;
  3. engage in regular physical activity;
  4. eat a healthy diet;
  5. manage blood pressure;
  6. take charge of cholesterol; and
  7. keep blood sugar, or glucose, at healthy levels.

Natural home remedies – Three Powerful Spices

Knowledge of modern pharmaceuticals continue to grow over the last few centuries. However, according to the pharmacists from the Massachusetts General Hospital Catherine Ulbricht, PharmD, we can not completely switch to traditional treatment which already proved effective. In fact, Ulbricht said modern medicine also depend on the herbs itself

“In practice, many drugs contain herbal components too,” explained Ulbricht.

A number of drugs sold in pharmacies such as aspirin is a synthetic version of the components contained in the willows. Many fungi based statins, and tamiflu herb comes from China flowers mace.

Here are three natural herbs that have proved effective by scientific studies. However, be sure to consult with your doctor if you are using chemical drugs. Because some herbs can interact with other drugs.

Lemon Balm

Traditional facts.
Herbal plants from lemon-scented mint family has long been used to relieve anxiety, improve memory, help you sleep and digestion. “This plant is a good deal venomous animal bites, soothe the heart, and erode feelings of melancholy and sadness,” wrote the Elizabethan herb expert John Gerard in 1597.

Scientific evidence.

An article published in 2003 in Neuropsychopharmacology stated that lemon balm tea to help you get a sound sleep and keep you calm and focused. Research shows that these plants are also effective in extreme situations. A study published in 2002 in the Journal of Clinical Psychiatry states that aromatherapy lemon balm for four weeks could reduce anxiety in patients suffering from chronic dementia or senility.


To get the calming effects of lemon balm, try every day to drink tea made by dripping a half / one drop of liquid or one to two teaspoons of dried herb in one cup of hot water. Let stand for five to ten minutes before drinking.


Traditional facts.

Onion is used to overcome various diseases. In the traditional medicine system of the Middle East, this herb is used to treat diabetes. During the early 20th century in the United States, onion is recommended to overcome the respiratory and digestive disorders. Because athletes are believed to improve performance, the Greek Olympic participants taking this herb in the form of juice or rub to their bodies before competition begins.

Scientific evidence.

Several studies have confirmed the traditional benefits of onion. Thiosulfinates Gynecology in it works to reduce the symptoms of diabetes and protects against heart disease. Quercetin, a flavonoid contained in the onions can prevent inflammation associated with allergies and also protects it from esophagus cancer and breast cancer.


Michael Havey, PhD from the University of Wisconsin recommend you to choose dark-colored onion. In addition, it’s good to eat raw onions or lightly cooked. This is, to prevent heat loss due thiosulfinates.


Traditional facts.

This traditional spice used for cooking and to overcome various problems, ranging from pain to as an aphrodisiac (stimulates sexual desire).

Scientific evidence.

Capsaicin, which gives hot flavor, stated effective reduce muscle pain, discomfort after the operation, and arthritis. Studies show that this component delivery pressure chemical that passes messages to the brain pain. A study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition also reported that capsaicin components also helps remove abdominal fat.

In addition, peppers are also given to control blood sugar levels. The study published in European Journal of Nutrition reported that eating their lunch which contains capsaicin has hormones regulating blood sugar and higher levels of ghrelin (hunger hormone) which are less than those who eat normal food.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Acupuncture Prevent Adverse Effect of depressant

Acupuncture effective in reducing depression during pregnancy. Researchers from Stanford University School of Medicine stated, women who are pregnant and experiencing depression can prevent the bad effects of antidepressants on infants by switching to acupuncture.

Researchers found that acupuncture is more effective in reducing symptoms of depression compared to the techniques of other non-pharmacological.

In a study published in the journal Obstetrics & Gynecology, the researchers involved 150 pregnant women diagnosed with severe depression.

Participants were divided into three groups. The first group did acupuncture specifically designed for depression (depression-specific acupuncture), the second group received pins and needles in acupuncture points and the third group of massage therapy.

All women do therapy for eight weeks. In the fourth and eighth week, they were interviewed by someone who does not know what kind of treatment they receive.

Results showed that 63 percent of women who received the depression-specific acupuncture reported having a significant reduction in symptoms. Was from the other two groups, only 44 percent of participants who reported experiencing symptoms reduction.

“Since so many women are reluctant to use antidepressants during pregnancy, is very important to find other alternatives,” explained researcher Rachel Manber, PhD.

According to the researchers, 14 percent of pregnant women experience symptoms of depression. And this woman, explain researchers, is to undergo treatment. By overcoming depression, they will be able to protect herself, the fetus and their babies after birth.

Tea for Weight Loss

Among the various fears that often haunt the living, perhaps obesity is one of them. Moreover, our eating habits are identical with a high carbohydrate intake, for example, from rice. Of course, this can make weight loss so jumped out of control.

Right food choices can help improve the pattern of less healthy lives. Instead, we reduce the intake of bad carbs that have the potential rise to various kinds of diseases. Moreover, the excess carbohydrates in the body can eventually be converted into fat. This makes the belly bulge and we will be increased waist circumference. We are so at risk of overweight.

We can deal with the high carbohydrate intake by consuming green tea. Recent research from the American Society of Nutrition revealed, the high content of catechins in green tea may help erode the fat in the body.

In addition, a recent study published in The Journal of Nutrition, found that the consumption of beverages containing green tea can accelerate the loss of excess fat in the abdominal area. Of course, this should be coupled with regular exercise program.

Carbohydrate Diet Lower Blood Pressure

Low-carb Diet effective not only lose weight but also helps lower blood pressure.

Recent studies show that low-carb diet is as effective as slimming drug orlistat (the active ingredient in Alli and Xenical) in weight loss. But, people who follow low-carbohydrate diet also experienced improved blood pressure levels.

“If you have blood pressure problems and weight loss, low-carbohydrate diet is a better option than the use of slimming drugs,” said researcher S. Yancy, Jr.., MD, of Duke University Medical Center.

According to the researchers, previous studies have shown that these two methods are equally effective in weight loss. But, this is the first study that directly compared the health effects of these two.

“If the result is the same, however you will be better than trying to diet drugs. In addition to the more efficient, side effects are also much less,” explained Yanci.

Lower blood pressure

In a study published in the Archives of Internal Medicine, the researchers studied 146 adult participants of obesity or overweight. Most of the participants suffered from chronic health problems, such as hypertension or diabetes.

They were randomly divided into two groups. The first group was asked to follow low-carbohydrate diets with carbohydrate intake of less than 20 grams a day. The second group was asked to consume drugs orlistat and followed a thin low-fat diet (the amount of fat less than 30 percent of the total daily calories). Both groups followed a diet for 48 weeks.

The study shows that both groups lost weight is almost the same. Low-carbohydrate diet group on average fell 9.5 per cent of the weight loss and orlistat group fell an average of 8.5 percent of body weight. Both methods also showed similar results in improving cholesterol and glucose levels.

However, researchers saw a big difference in blood pressure. During the study, nearly half of the participants who followed low-carbohydrate diets reduce or stop the use of blood pressure-lowering drugs. This amount is greater than the participants of the orlistat group (only 21 per cent).

In general, systolic blood pressure (top number in a blood pressure gauge) at the low-carbohydrate diet group fell as much as 5.9 points was the orlistat group rose 1.5 points

A quality air filter For Heavy Equipment: Demand Donaldson

Quality Air Filters For Quality Equipment Engine air filter maintenance and good quality air filters are critical—assuming you want the engine in that $500,000+ piece of equipment to last.

Simple, routine maintenance can greatly extend the working life of your equipment. A plugged engine filter makes your engine work much harder than it should, and run hotter. A clogged filter wastes fuel because it is working so much harder to pull air through the filter, and the whole engine wears down faster. If you don’t have the time to maintain your own equipment, find a reputable mechanic—and save yourself the grief of a repair bill later.

If you notice your engine burning more oil than it usually does, go to a garage immediately to have it checked over. It is quite possible that your engine has sucked in dust and has caused a serious problem. If you find that dust has found away into the engine then you can correct that problem before you do anything else.

For starters you will have to change the contaminated engine oil and the filter. You will have to make a few serious choices at this point! One important step would be to check the crank bearings for ware while you have the oil out of the pan.

If all looks good there you can put it back together, or your mechanic will tell you your crank bearings are scarred bad and they need replaced. If he goes a little deeper he may find that the crank needs to be rebuilt, now you are getting into some serious dollars.

At the top of the engine you may have to replace the oil rings and or pistons.If the dusting is bad enough you will more than likely have to replace pistons and liners.

This was just a quick description of what you can expect if your engine has been dusted. Without a doubt it would be cheaper to correct the problem at an early stage then to wait until it is completely destroyed.

Some quick in-house maintenance tips:
• Check your filtration system regularly, especially the pipes carrying air to the turbo/blower. If the clamps holding the pipe to the air filters compartment loosen, dust will be sucked in. The rubber coupling can sometimes crack from age or vibration, letting dust in.

Holistic ADHD Coaching Support for Parents

There are many holistic, nutritional, educational, philosophical and scientifically validated alternatives that can promote self esteem and bring focus and balance into your child’s life. Holistic ADHD Coaching can assist you to explore many of these possibilities.

Many parents who have decided not to medicate the symptoms that their child is displaying will chose life coaching.

With a decision to support your child’s life path and personal growth, there may also come some challenges and frustrations along the way.

( Are you sighing right now and thinking, “What an understatement”? )

This link will lead you to some tips about implementing holistic change in your child’s daily routine.

Life Coaching is a proven effective way to assist families during this time of growth and discovery.

Coaching is not counseling or therapy. It is not about examining emotional trauma or resolving conflicts of the past.

Coaching is about helping your family now and creating a better future.

Working together on a weekly basis I can be your catalyst to :

Recognize your successes and build upon them.

Identify areas that are not currently working for you.

Help you to gain clarity and discover many new options.

Create shifts in the way the entire family interacts.

Personal coach will be your sounding board during those “I’m at a total loss” moments.

Personal coach will also be your biggest fan when you have found something that works.

You and your Personal coach will figure out how you can re-create that same success on a regular basis!